Visual Style Facility Monitoring and Control
Intuitive, Easily Configurable and Expandable Screens.
Using the same design philosophy as RealTime, the yCOM system provides easily configurable screens that provide a visual representation of the facility for feedback and control.
Powered by the yDEX Engine, the system is easily expandable to account for future facility hardware additions and changes.
The yCOM system automates your interlocks in a visual manner to ensure a safe and reliable engine start-up.
Thanks to the versatility in the Yanos software architecture (powered by LabVIEW), the yCOM system is easily expandable to account for any future engine models/variants additions.
Yanos Technologies Command Interface (yCOM)
The Future in Automation.
Yanos Technologies is committed to on-going Research & Development activities to ensure that our existing products are state-of-the-art. This is why we are proud to introduce the yCOM automation system, which brings the highest level of automation and safety for any control system application.
The yCOM is the centralized interface for the Yanos Technologies RealTime Control System (RCS).
Designed with Operators in mind, the yCOM system provides the highest level of automation while providing complete control and safety.
Capable of running through all required test procedures in semi or fully automatic mode.
Allows never before seen levels of data precision over multiple runs.

Automated Actions
Run Through Your Tests Automatically.
yCOM's fully automatic mode allows the system to run with any set of automated actions, without any interaction from the operator.
These fully automated sequences are designed to accomplish a complete functional test as defined by the engine test procedures, including the control of additional system settings and automated data capture.
yCOM's semi automatic mode breaks each test into steps that the operator can choose to execute sequentially.
yCOM's manual mode includes a number of additional features designed to aid the operator and increase data precision when perming multiple runs, these include:​​
Precise ramp actuation​, moves the stepping automatically from position A to position B in the amount of time specified by the operator with incredible accuracy.
Programmable digital detents, these help the operators track and lock in place the throttle at key positions during the run.
Fast and Slow jogs, used for small lever adjustments.
Setting max throttle position, limits thrust output to a specified maximum.